Devesh R. Raval

Curriculum vitae (Work)

Bureau of Economics

Federal Trade Commission

600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20580



Production Technology


Micro Data and Macro Technology with Ezra Oberfield
Econometrica (March 2021), 89 (2), 703-732
Online Appendix Replication Package
Press Mentions: Boston Review

The Micro Elasticity of Substitution and Non Neutral Technology
RAND Journal of Economics (Spring 2019), 50 (1), 147-167
Online Appendix

Testing the Production Approach to Markup Estimation
Review of Economic Studies (2023), 90(5) 2592-2611
Online Appendix Replication Package

Economies of Scope and Common Inputs in Multi-Output Production
Version: March 2024

A Flexible Cost Share Approach to Markup Estimation
Economics Letters (September 2023), 230, 111262
Online Appendix

What's Wrong with Capital in the 21st Century's Model?
In After Piketty: The Inequality Agenda post-Capital in the 21st Century (Harvard University Press, 2017)
Press Mentions: The Economist, Chronicle of Higher Education, Business Standard,, Nature, New Scientist, Bloomberg, Irish Times, The Hindu, Business Day, Financial Express, Suddeusche Zeitung, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Diario de Noticias, Portafolio




Steering in One Click: Platform Self-Preferencing in the Amazon Buy Box
Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Political Economy: Microeconomics
Online Appendix
Version: December 2023

How Do Machine Learning Algorithms Perform in Changing Environments? Evidence from Disaster Induced Hospital Closures with Ted Rosenbaum and Nathan E. Wilson
Journal of Health Economics (2021), 78, 102481

Using Disaster Induced Closures to Evaluate Discrete Choice Models of Hospital Demand with Ted Rosenbaum and Nathan E. Wilson
RAND Journal of Economics (Autumn 2022), 53 (3), 561-589
Online Appendix

Why is Distance Important for Hospital Choice? Separating Home Bias from Transport Costs with Ted Rosenbaum
Journal of Industrial Economics (2021), 69 (2), 338-368

Do Previous Choices Matter for Hospital Demand? Decomposing Switching Costs from Unobserved Preferences with Ted Rosenbaum
Review of Economics and Statistics (2018), 100 (5), 906-915

Semiparametric Discrete Choice Model: An Application to Hospital Mergers with Ted Rosenbaum and Steve Tenn
Economic Inquiry (2017), 55 (4), 1919-1944
Chris Lau and Matt Panhans wrote code to implement this estimator in the healthcare.antitrust package on CRAN in R and the divratio package in Stata.

Payer Steering and Patient Welfare: Evidence from Medicaid with Ted Rosenbaum
Version: October 2017


Consumer Protection


Amplifying Consumers' Voice: The FTC's ReportFraud Website Redesign with Michel Grosz
Marketing Science (forthcoming)
Online Appendix
Version: July 2024

Consumer Surveillance and Financial Fraud with Bo Bian, Michaela Pagel, and Huan Tang
Version: April 2024

Fraud Across Borders with Michel Grosz
Version: August 2022

Do Bad Businesses Get Good Reviews? Evidence Across Several Online Review Platforms
Revise and Resubmit, Information Economics and Policy
Version: May 2024

Whose Voice Do We Hear in the Marketplace?: Evidence from Consumer Complaining Behavior
Marketing Science (2020), 39 (1), 168-187
Online Appendix Victimization Weights

Which Communities Complain to Policymakers? Evidence from Consumer Sentinel
Economic Inquiry (2020), 58 (4), 1628-1642

Who is Victimized by Fraud? Evidence from Consumer Protection Cases
Journal of Consumer Policy (2021), 44, 43-72
Online Appendix

Analyzing Advertising Labels: Testing Consumers' Recognition of Paid Content Online with Jeff Johnson, Jim Jansen, and Manoj Hastak
Proceedings of ACM CHI'18, Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Economics at the FTC: Spatial Demand, Veterinary Hospital Mergers, Rulemaking, and Noncompete Agreements with Abigail Ferguson, Nellie Lew, and Michael Lipsitz
Review of Industrial Organization (2023) 63, 435–465

Economics at the FTC: Fertilizer, Consumer Complaints, and Private Label Cereal with Andrew Sweeting, David J. Balan, Nicholas Kriesle, and Matthew Panhans
Review of Industrial Organization (2020) 57, 751–78

Economics at the FTC: Fraud, Mergers and Exclusion with David J. Balan, Patrick DeGraba, Francine Lafontaine, Patrick McAlvanah and David Schmidt
Review of Industrial Organization (2015), 47 (4), 371-398




US Patent 8,732,528 B1: Measuring Test Effects Using Adjusted Outlier Data with Zhuo Zhang, Harry J. Paarsch, Patrick L. Bajari, Sameer R. Rajyaguru, and Ivan E. Gonzalez


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